Wednesday, August 4, 2010
limfoblas lebih
Pada penerita leukemia sel limfoblas berkembang tidak terkontrol. Sel ini sering disingkat menjadi sel "blas" dalam pembicaraan topik leukemia.
Secara histologi, sulit membedakan limfoblas dengan rubriblas. Perbedaan mendasarnya adalah warna sitoplasma pada limfoblas lebih homogen dibandingkan dengan rubriblas.
Luigi Galvani
Vücuttaki görevi güç oluşumu ve dış veya iç arası) hareket sağlamaktır.Bunun yanında kollarımızdaki kaslar gibi bir çok kas zıt yönde ilerler.
Kas hareketlerinin büyük çoğunluğu bilinç dışında gerçekleşir ve yaşam için gerekli fonksiyonların gerçekleşmesi için büyük önem taşımaktadır (kalbin kasılarak kan pompalaması gibi). Gönüllü kas hareketleri vücüdun hareket etmesi için kullanılır.
Kaslar, çizgili, düz ve kalp kası olmak üzere üçe ayrılır. Çizgili kaslar, isteğimiz doğrultusunda çalışan kaslardır. Düz kaslar isteğimiz dışında çalışır. Kalp kası da bir çizgili kas olmasına rağmen, isteğimiz dışında çalıştığı için, kalp kası adı verilmiştir. Kasların faydaları şunlardır
Max Born, Alman teorik fizikçi (11 Aralık 1882 - 5 Ocak 1970). Görelilik, atom ve katı-hal fiziği, matis mekaniği, kuantum mekaniği, optik ve akışkanların kinetik teorisi gibi fiziğin bir çok dalında önemli çalışmaları olmuştur. Doktora derecesini 1907 yılında Göttingen Üniversitesi'nden almıştır. Üstün matematik bilgi ve becerisini bu yıllarda asistanlığını yaptığı, büyük matematikçi David Hilbert'ten almıştır. Bu güçlü matematiksel temel, Heisenberg'in geliştirdiği quantum mekaniğini matrislerle daha kolay bir şekilde ifade etmesini sağlamıştır. 1926 yılında, Schrödinger'in dalga mekaniğini yayımlamasından hemen sonra Born, Schrödinger'in metotlarını atomik dağılmaya uyguladı ve Born yakınsama metotlarını geliştirdi. Bu çalışma | psi | 2 'nin olasılık yoğunluğu olarak yorumlamasını sağladı. Bu çalışmadan dolayı biraz geç de olsa, 1954 yılında Nobel Fizik Ödülü'ne layık görüldü.
Okulu hiçbir zaman sevemedi. Gerçekten de, genç Einstein’ın ileride ortaya çıkacak dehasının temelleri, kendisinin de sonradan belirttiği gibi, okulda değil başka yerlerde atılmıştı: “Çocukluğumda yaşadığım iki önemli olayı unutamam. Biri, beş yaşında iken amcamın armağanı pusulada bulduğum gizem; diğeri on iki yaşındayken tanıştığım Öklid geometrisi.Gençliğinde bu geometrinin büyüsüne kapılmayan bir kimsenin, ileride kuramsal bilimde parlak bir atılım yapabileceği hiç beklenmemelidir!”
Father of physics
Einstein 1879 yılında Güney Almanya ’nın Ulm kentinde dünyaya geldi. Babası küçük bir elektrokimya fabrikasının sahibi; annesi ise, klasik müziğe meraklı, eğitimli bir ev hanımıydı. Konuşmaya geç başlaması ve içine kapanık bir çocuk olması, ailesini tedirginliğe düşürmüşse de, sonraki yıllarda bu korkularının gereksizliği anlaşılacaktı. Giderek meraklı, hayal gücü zengin bir çocuk olarak büyüyordu
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
energy of photon
Photon-nucleus pair production can only occur if the photons have an energy exceeding twice the rest energy (mec2) of an electron (1.022 MeV), photon-photon pair production may occur at 511 KeV; the same conservation laws apply for the generation of other higher energy leptons such as the muon and tauon (for two photons each should have the one-particle energy in the center of momentum frame, for one photon and a heavy nucleus, the photon needs the entire pair rest energy). These interactions were first observed in Patrick Blackett's counter-controlled cloud chamber, leading to the 1948 Nobel Prize in Physics.
In semiclassical general relativity, pair production is also invoked to explain the Hawking radiation effect. According to quantum mechanics, at short scales short-lived particle-pairs are constantly appearing and disappearing (see quantum foam); in a region of strong gravitational tidal forces, the two particles in a pair may sometimes be wrenched apart before they have a chance to mutually annihilate. When this happens in the region around a black hole, one particle may escape, with its antiparticle being captured by the hole.
Pair production is also the hypothesized mechanism behind the Pair instability supernova type of stellar explosions, where pair production suddenly lowers pressure inside a supergiant star, leading to a partial implosion, and then explosive thermonuclear burning. Supernova SN 2006gy is hypothesized to have been a pair production type supernova.
In 2008 the Titan laser aimed at a 1-millimeter-thick gold target was used to generate positron electron pairs in large numbers.
In semiclassical general relativity, pair production is also invoked to explain the Hawking radiation effect. According to quantum mechanics, at short scales short-lived particle-pairs are constantly appearing and disappearing (see quantum foam); in a region of strong gravitational tidal forces, the two particles in a pair may sometimes be wrenched apart before they have a chance to mutually annihilate. When this happens in the region around a black hole, one particle may escape, with its antiparticle being captured by the hole.
Pair production is also the hypothesized mechanism behind the Pair instability supernova type of stellar explosions, where pair production suddenly lowers pressure inside a supergiant star, leading to a partial implosion, and then explosive thermonuclear burning. Supernova SN 2006gy is hypothesized to have been a pair production type supernova.
In 2008 the Titan laser aimed at a 1-millimeter-thick gold target was used to generate positron electron pairs in large numbers.
pair production of electron
Pair production refers to the creation of an elementary particle and its antiparticle, usually from a photon (or another neutral boson). This is allowed, provided there is enough energy available to create the pair – at least the total rest mass energy of the two particles – and that the situation allows both energy and momentum to be conserved (though not necessarily on shell). All other conserved quantum numbers (angular momentum, electric charge) of the produced particles must sum to zero — thus the created particles shall have opposite values of each (for instance, if one particle has strangeness +1 then another one must have strangeness
Production of electron
physics is mostly related with physis so that study of electron is physics study. and electron are produce as; Process of two pion production in electron - polarized proton scattering is investigated. In Weizs\"acker-Williams approximation the differential spectral distributions and the spin-momentum correlations are considered. The spin correlation effects caused by $\rho$-meson widths are estimated to be of order of several percents. Both channels of $\pi^+\pi^-$ and $\pi^+\pi^0$ creation are considered. The effects of intermediate excited baryons are not considered. The spectral distributions on pion energy fractions in polarized and unpolarized cases are presented analytically and numerically.
Electron physics
Electrons are charged particles, and have a charge/mass ratio 2000 times greater than a proton. Electrons obey wave/particle duality principles. Electrons may be manipulated by both electrostatic and magnetic fields. Within the gun column electrons are accelerated to very high velocities and relativistic correction factors are required for accurate computation.
An electron moving at charge 'e' with a velocity 'v' in the presence of both an electric field 'E' and a magnetic field 'B' experiences both an electric and magnetic force.
The total force acting on the electron is F = e E + ev x B
Typical electron beam welding and processing systems utilise electrostatic forces for beam generation, and magnetic forces for beam manipulation and focusing.
An electron moving at charge 'e' with a velocity 'v' in the presence of both an electric field 'E' and a magnetic field 'B' experiences both an electric and magnetic force.
The total force acting on the electron is F = e E + ev x B
Typical electron beam welding and processing systems utilise electrostatic forces for beam generation, and magnetic forces for beam manipulation and focusing.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Isaac Newton was born on 4 January 1643 [OS: 25 December 1642][1] at Woolsthorpe Manor in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire. At the time of Newton's birth, England had not adopted the Gregorian calendar and therefore his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, 25 December 1642. Newton was born three months after the death of his father, a prosperous farmer also named Isaac Newton. Born prematurely, he was a small child; his mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug (≈ 1.1 litres). When Newton was three, his mother remarried and went to live with her new husband, the Reverend Barnabus Smith, leaving her son in the care of his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough. The young Isaac disliked his stepfather and held some enmity towards his mother for marrying him, as revealed by this entry in a list of sins committed up to the age of 19: "Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the house over them."[10] While Newton was once engaged in his late teens to a Miss Storey, he never married and is believed to have been asexual, being highly engrossed in his studies and work.[11][12][13]
Newton in a 1702 portrait by Godfrey Kneller
Isaac Newton (Bolton, Sarah K. Famous Men of Science. NY: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1889)From the age of about twelve until he was seventeen, Newton was educated at The King's School, Grantham (where his signature can still be seen upon a library window sill). He was removed from school, and by October 1659, he was to be found at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, where his mother, widowed by now for a second time, attempted to make a farmer of him. He hated farming.[14] Henry Stokes, master at the King's School, persuaded his mother to send him back to school so that he might complete his education. Motivated partly by a desire for revenge against a schoolyard bully, he became the top-ranked student.[15]
In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge as a sizar — a sort of work-study role.[16] At that time, the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, but Newton preferred to read the more advanced ideas of modern philosophers, such as Descartes, and of astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that would later become infinitesimal calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the university temporarily closed as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student,[17] Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the subsequent two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. In 1667, he returned to Cambridge as a fellow of Trinity
Earthquakes and volcanic activ
The first hints that the LHC is seriously damaging life on Earth will come from an increase on earthquake and volcano activity. This is due to the fact that the LHC is creating a powerful gravito-magnetic field, a ‘ring’ of charged, massive particles that can interact with the magnetic fields of the magma and Earth’s center.
Disturbances on the Earth’s magnetic field by the magnets of the LHC and specially the charged positive c-speed flow of protons can come through 3 different processes:
- The possibility that the 27 kilometers continuous ring of charged protons can interact with self-similar charged flows in the magma or earth’s center, creating a powerful electro-magnetic effect, displacing magma and causing earthquakes and volcano activity. It is a fact that the first day that the charged, proton ring was created in 2008 it caused 4 significant Earthquakes, the first one in Iran, seconds after it was powered up.
The proton, charged ring could act as a new pole of a magnetic field with Earth’s inner fields.
- The creation of strange liquid, already produced in the first experiments, (Kaons at the LHC, hyperons at RHIC) could also provoke explosions in the magma. If stable, it will leak in increasing quantities to the center of the Earth. Some of it will remain in the center, forming the seed of a strangelet. Some will accrete and/or explode in the mantle, in highly energetic, tiny bombs.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Accomplishments of Newton
Newton's accomplishments were of astonishingly broad scope. For example, as a sidelight to his fundamental contributions in physics and astronomy, he (in parallel with Liebnitz) invented the mathematical discipline of calculus, so if you have to take both physics and calculus courses, you have Newton to blame! No survey course such as this one can possibly do justice to what Newton accomplished. The poet Alexander Pope was moved to pen the lines
Nature and Nature's laws
lay hid in night;
God said, Let Newton be!
and all was light
and a study of Newton's discoveries suggests that Pope was indulging only slightly in hyperbole. We shall concentrate on three developments of most direct relevance to our discussion: (1) Newton's Three Laws of Motion, (2) the Theory of Universal Gravitation, and (3) the demonstration that Kepler's Laws follow from the Law of Gravitation.
Nature and Nature's laws
lay hid in night;
God said, Let Newton be!
and all was light
and a study of Newton's discoveries suggests that Pope was indulging only slightly in hyperbole. We shall concentrate on three developments of most direct relevance to our discussion: (1) Newton's Three Laws of Motion, (2) the Theory of Universal Gravitation, and (3) the demonstration that Kepler's Laws follow from the Law of Gravitation.
Important of friction
Physics is the very important for us without physics or without friction force we cant walk a second. Friction force is the force between two bodies when one is depend with other i.e. when we walk on the road then there is produce a force between road and us. Without friction force we cant did any work, and vehicles cant move a second. Our daily function depended upon the friction force. So that we depend upon the friction force.
Body has its own frequency
Physics is how much great, do you think? Physics also describe about natural frequency of a body. Also we must know about the natural frequency of a body. The every body in the universe has characteristic tendency to vibrate when an external periodic force is applied. The vibration of the body depends upon their dimension and elastic property of the body. Such a natural characteristic frequency of vibration of the body is known as natural frequency of the body. The natural frequency depends upon the nature of the body i.e. it depends upon the shape, size and elastic property of a body. Hence also our universe is regularly vibrate on their own axis due to its natural frequency.
Newton and his foolish work
Physics is the most important for us that means without physics we cant did any things. But if we know about the real story of the scientist we all thank that scientist are totally fool. Scientist are great for us but their foolish behavior is not great for us. One day a scientist named Newton want to know that how much time did the eggs take to clot. In this experiment he put the watch on the boiling water and egg takes on the right hand to show the time. In this experiment we know that the scientists are not only good and they did not did only good they also did foolish work.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
In 1642, the year Galileo died, Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England on Christmas Day. His father had died three months earlier, and baby Isaac, very premature, was also not expected to survive. It was said he could be fitted into a quart pot. When Isaac was three, his mother married a wealthy elderly clergyman from the next village, and went to live there, leaving Isaac behind with his grandmother. The clergyman died, and Isaac’s mother came back, after eight years, bringing with her three small children. Two years later, Newton went away to the Grammar School in Grantham, where he lodged with the local apothecary, and was fascinated by the chemicals. The plan was that at age seventeen he would come home and look after the farm. He turned out to be a total failure as a farmer.
His mother’s brother, a clergyman who had been an undergraduate at Cambridge, persuaded his mother that it would be better for Isaac to go to university, so in 1661 he went up to Trinity College, Cambridge. Isaac paid his way through college for the first three years by waiting tables and cleaning rooms for the fellows (faculty) and the wealthier students. In 1664, he was elected a scholar, guaranteeing four years of financial support. Unfortunately, at that time the plague was spreading across Europe, and reached Cambridge in the summer of 1665. The university closed, and Newton returned home, where he spent two years concentrating on problems in mathematics and physics. He wrote later that during this time he first understood the theory of gravitation, which we shall discuss below, and the theory of optics (he was the first to realize that white light is made up of the colors of the rainbow), and much mathematics, both integral and differential calculus and infinite series. However, he was always reluctant to publish anything, at least until it appeared someone else might get credit for what he had found earlier.
His mother’s brother, a clergyman who had been an undergraduate at Cambridge, persuaded his mother that it would be better for Isaac to go to university, so in 1661 he went up to Trinity College, Cambridge. Isaac paid his way through college for the first three years by waiting tables and cleaning rooms for the fellows (faculty) and the wealthier students. In 1664, he was elected a scholar, guaranteeing four years of financial support. Unfortunately, at that time the plague was spreading across Europe, and reached Cambridge in the summer of 1665. The university closed, and Newton returned home, where he spent two years concentrating on problems in mathematics and physics. He wrote later that during this time he first understood the theory of gravitation, which we shall discuss below, and the theory of optics (he was the first to realize that white light is made up of the colors of the rainbow), and much mathematics, both integral and differential calculus and infinite series. However, he was always reluctant to publish anything, at least until it appeared someone else might get credit for what he had found earlier.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Einstein makes the atom bumb
Physics became bright after the birth of Einsteins. He is a great scientist in the world in the sector of physics. He mostly describe about the relativity and one day he was successful to obtain the theory of relativity. And by the application of relativity he also proved that earth revolves around the sun, before this concept all scientist was that sun revolves around the earth. The wrong concept was corrected by the scientist Albert Einstein. So we can’t forget his name in the world. In physics Einsteins gives the theory about the relation between mass and energy .
that is; E=mc2
E= energy of photon
m= mass of photon
C=velocity of light
By the application of this equation atom bomb was made by Albert Einsteins. Which destroyed the two places they are Herocima and Nagashaki. Since physics is applicable in both peaceful as well as harmful.
that is; E=mc2
E= energy of photon
m= mass of photon
C=velocity of light
By the application of this equation atom bomb was made by Albert Einsteins. Which destroyed the two places they are Herocima and Nagashaki. Since physics is applicable in both peaceful as well as harmful.
electrons produce from photon
Physics is the most important part of our life without physics we can’t did anything. In our daily life physics is directly or indirectly applicable i.e. without physics we can’t did any things. Before the birth of Albert Einstein physics became bright and also other scientist give the nutrient then against the physics became bright. Right now also physics give us twinkle sign and we can’t live without twinkle sign i.e. without physics we can’t live a second. Many electronic device also derived by the application of physics i.e. without physics we can’t got anything which are very very applicable in our daily life. For example computer, calculator, television, vehicles etc. From the physics we got knowledge which important for us. Einstein gives the theory which is related with the work function of the metal and wavelength of the photon. i.e.
h=plank’s constant,
f= frequency of light at maximum wavelength,
f0=frequency of light at minimum wavelength,
h=plank’s constant,
f= frequency of light at maximum wavelength,
f0=frequency of light at minimum wavelength,
universe is always vibraate on its axis
Physics is how much great, do you think? Physics also describe about natural frequency of a body. Also we must know about the natural frequency of a body. The every body in the universe has characteristic tendency to vibrate when an external periodic force is applied. The vibration of the body depends upon their dimension and elastic property of the body. Such a natural characteristic frequency of vibration of the body is known as natural frequency of the body. The natural frequency depends upon the nature of the body i.e. it depends upon the shape, size and elastic property of a body. Hence also our universe is regularly vibrate on their own axis due to its natural frequency.
calculation of charge of an oil drops
Physics is the one of the most important and interesting topic in the world. Physics study is the study about the very small particle to very large particle i.e. photon to universe. We don’t saw an electron but scientist shows that electron is charge particle and has charge 1.6*10-19columb. The name of scientist who obtain the charge of an electron is Millikan. He takes required instrument which is called Millikan’s instrument. He applied require potential difference from battery to neutralize the oil drops. When the oil drops dropped from the above glass plate then there produce three forces they are’
Viscous force= 6πήrvt
Where; ή=coefficient of viscosity;
v=terminal velocity;
r=radius of oil drop;
t= time period;
Up thrust (U)=4/3πr^3σg
Where; σ=density of air;
g=gravitational force;
Weight of an oil drop(w)=4/3πr^3ρg
Where; ρ=density of oil;
Then if the oil drop contains terminal velocity then upward force must be equal to downward force i.e.;
Upward force = downward force
6πήrvt +4/3πr^3σg =4/3πr^3ρg
In this relation we can find the value of r.
By finding the value of r, we can find the value of charge of an oil drop. i.e.,
When the current is applied through the apparatus, the relation become,
qE= 4/3πr^3σ1g-4/3πr^3ρ1g +6πήrvtType equation here.
By this equation q can be calculated and we obtain the value of e from this equation.
i.e. q=ne
Where, n=no of electron;
By this way charge of an electron can be calculated from Millikan.
Viscous force= 6πήrvt
Where; ή=coefficient of viscosity;
v=terminal velocity;
r=radius of oil drop;
t= time period;
Up thrust (U)=4/3πr^3σg
Where; σ=density of air;
g=gravitational force;
Weight of an oil drop(w)=4/3πr^3ρg
Where; ρ=density of oil;
Then if the oil drop contains terminal velocity then upward force must be equal to downward force i.e.;
Upward force = downward force
6πήrvt +4/3πr^3σg =4/3πr^3ρg
In this relation we can find the value of r.
By finding the value of r, we can find the value of charge of an oil drop. i.e.,
When the current is applied through the apparatus, the relation become,
qE= 4/3πr^3σ1g-4/3πr^3ρ1g +6πήrvtType equation here.
By this equation q can be calculated and we obtain the value of e from this equation.
i.e. q=ne
Where, n=no of electron;
By this way charge of an electron can be calculated from Millikan.
for what LCR circuit use in radio ststion?
In a radio station there is LCR circuit connected in a series circuit. The LCR circuit has own frequency of tune in a radio station. Then at a particular fixed point the tune frequency of LCR circuit is same as the natural resonance frequency of radio tune. The two resonance tune of LCR and radio tune is also mixed with each other at a fixed point this is the frequency of the radio station. In this way we listen a radio tune in a fixed point.
Calculation of specific charge of an electron is one of the important theory of J.J. Thomson, which can be summarized as below.
J.J. Thomson takes the instrument where two different types of Pd are applied. First Pd applied to move the electron from filament and second to neutralize the electric field i.e. create a cross field, where electron can’t be deflected by electric field and magnetic field.
First when the (V) Pd applied then the electron moves with velocity (v);
I.e. ev= 1/2mv^2 where, V=required Pd to move the electron from filament to plate,
v=velocity of an electron,
The above equation becomes;
In cross field,
eV1=Bev where, V1=Pd applied in cross field,
v1= velocity of an electron move in cross field,
Then above equation become;
From above two equation;
By this equation J.J. Thomson calculated the value of e/m is 1.8*1011cals/kg.
This value of e/m is applicable to calculate the value of mass of an electron.
J.J. Thomson takes the instrument where two different types of Pd are applied. First Pd applied to move the electron from filament and second to neutralize the electric field i.e. create a cross field, where electron can’t be deflected by electric field and magnetic field.
First when the (V) Pd applied then the electron moves with velocity (v);
I.e. ev= 1/2mv^2 where, V=required Pd to move the electron from filament to plate,
v=velocity of an electron,
The above equation becomes;
In cross field,
eV1=Bev where, V1=Pd applied in cross field,
v1= velocity of an electron move in cross field,
Then above equation become;
From above two equation;
By this equation J.J. Thomson calculated the value of e/m is 1.8*1011cals/kg.
This value of e/m is applicable to calculate the value of mass of an electron.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
gallileo got death punishment
First of all the scientist doesn’t have more knowledge about the universe. Before one century a scientist name Gallelio study about the universe and he gives the knowledge about the universe i.e. the earth is a sphere and it rotate around the sun but there is slightly wrong point i.e. he can’t proved that concept. In that period all the people thanked that earth is a sphere but sun rotates the earth. He was given the different types of concept. Then other persons give him the death punishment when he gives this concept. Then his student Albert Einstein proved this concept by the studying about the theory of relativity. Then Einstein gives the value of radius of the universe as well as mass of the universe. Then he was successful to derive the concept of his teacher concept.
Monday, June 21, 2010
physics and Newton
The brightness of the physics was also increased by the great scientist Newton. He was a second great physics scientist. And also he makes the physics a great subject in the world. In physics after the name of Einstein, Newton was came he derived many theory and from his theory many instrument was made, and he became bright in physics.
Also he derived the theory about motion and it’s called Newton law of motion. I.e. first law of motion states that,” when the body is in motion and there is no external force is applied the body doesn’t change its path i.e. if the body is in motion it is always in motion.’’
Also Newton second law of motion states that,” the force applied in the moving body is directly proportional to the mass and acceleration of the body.’’
i.e. F=km
F=ka Combining this two equation and formed as,
K is called Newton constant and in SI unit its value is 1.
And Newton third law of motion state that,” action and reaction are always equal and opposite side.”
This law is called the Newton law of motion.
Also Newton derived the theory about the velocity of sound in air. His equation is,
V= velocity of sound in air,
d=density of medium,
p=atmospheric pressure,
From Newton equation the velocity of sound at NTP is 280m/s.
This equation is slightly wrong and it is corrected by Laplace and the equation called Laplace equation. i.e.
y= Cp/Co In diatomic gas y=1.4,
From this equation velocity of sound in air can be calculated exactly as 331.6m/s.
Also he derived the theory about motion and it’s called Newton law of motion. I.e. first law of motion states that,” when the body is in motion and there is no external force is applied the body doesn’t change its path i.e. if the body is in motion it is always in motion.’’
Also Newton second law of motion states that,” the force applied in the moving body is directly proportional to the mass and acceleration of the body.’’
i.e. F=km
F=ka Combining this two equation and formed as,
K is called Newton constant and in SI unit its value is 1.
And Newton third law of motion state that,” action and reaction are always equal and opposite side.”
This law is called the Newton law of motion.
Also Newton derived the theory about the velocity of sound in air. His equation is,
V= velocity of sound in air,
d=density of medium,
p=atmospheric pressure,
From Newton equation the velocity of sound at NTP is 280m/s.
This equation is slightly wrong and it is corrected by Laplace and the equation called Laplace equation. i.e.
y= Cp/Co In diatomic gas y=1.4,
From this equation velocity of sound in air can be calculated exactly as 331.6m/s.
Monday, June 14, 2010
einstein is star of physics
physics is the must important chapter in the world. from physics we study about great particle to very small particle. if we study the physics we got more knowledge of the particle.
after the birth of Einstein the physics become bright. if einstein wASnt burn then also physics wasnt burn. first of all einstein study about the relativity then he successful to obtain the theory of relativity. i mean to say that einstein was the heart of physics. then we must study about the einstein beforewe study about physics.
after the birth of Einstein the physics become bright. if einstein wASnt burn then also physics wasnt burn. first of all einstein study about the relativity then he successful to obtain the theory of relativity. i mean to say that einstein was the heart of physics. then we must study about the einstein beforewe study about physics.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
physics describe cosmology
Einstein first proposed the cosmological constant (not to be confused with the Hubble Constant), usually symbolized by the greek letter "lambda" (Λ), as a mathematical fix to the theory of general relativity. In its simplest form, general relativity predicted that the universe must either expand or contract. Einstein thought the universe was static, so he added this new term to stop the expansion. When Hubble's study of nearby galaxies showed that the universe was in fact expanding, Einstein regretted modifying his elegant theory and viewed the cosmological constant term as his "greatest mistake".
Many cosmologists advocate reviving the cosmological constant term on theoretical grounds, as a way to explain the rate of expansion of the universe. Modern field theory now associates this term with the energy density of the vacuum. For this energy density to be comparable to other forms of matter in the universe, it would require new physics theories. So the addition of a cosmological constant term has profound implications for particle physics and our understanding of the fundamental forces of nature.
Many cosmologists advocate reviving the cosmological constant term on theoretical grounds, as a way to explain the rate of expansion of the universe. Modern field theory now associates this term with the energy density of the vacuum. For this energy density to be comparable to other forms of matter in the universe, it would require new physics theories. So the addition of a cosmological constant term has profound implications for particle physics and our understanding of the fundamental forces of nature.
physics describe nuclear medicine
The rapid advances in nuclear medicine have made it essential for medical physicists to have a strong understanding of the field, its relevant technologies and clinical applications. With the increasing utilization of nuclear medicine in patient care, more and more medical physicists–whether to prepare for the boards or to understand new challenges in the workplace–are looking to increase their knowledge of nuclear medicine. We have fielded a few emails from readers regarding books and resources on nuclear medicine, so we have put together a listing of resources we feel are helpful to those looking for one or two nuclear medicine reference.
physics as a mesical sector
Staffing in radiation oncology practices has always been plagued with administrative issues. The process of radiation therapy consists of a series of steps and often involves a number of different individuals. Each practice should establish a staffing program consistent with patient care, administrative, research and other responsibilities. It is recognized that talent, training and work preferences may vary from individual to individual; therefore, it is appropriate to factor these aspects into a staffing program. Since the 1980’s many organizations have published benchmarks for radiation therapy staffing. Among these organizations are AAPM, ACR, ACRO, AAMD, ASRT and a few private market research institutions. These reports provide benchmarks for the staffing of not only medical physicists, but also dosimetrists, radiation therapists, and nurses. It is worth noting that some of these reports were generated before computer information system technology became a part of radiation treatment systems. We believe that development of benchmarks for staffing in radiation therapy practices is very important and directly affects the quality of patient care and safety. Until we finalize this study, here are some recent staffing levels in radiation therapy practices as published by the ACR for the purpose of radiation oncology program accreditation.
The Physics of Soccer
I ordered this book with the hope of some practical and insightful thoughts as to the real dynamics of the game broken down--about how specific moments in the game could be measured and viewed. The introduction purports to make the book accessible to young players and it is hardly that. Unfortunately this book is a waste of paper more than a waste of time. As I read through the first 100 pages I found myself reading with a red pen halfway through. While the concept is great, the serious soccer player or fan of the game will be bored mindless as to repetition of paragraphs that deal with science or STEM as the author indicates. The author tries to communicate the whole scientific realm with the readability of a science class. If this is for the lay person, it truly missed the mark. There are several graphs and interesting concepts as to angles and force distribution but it needs to be focused for practical use. The book takes the shape of a soccer manual and science text for the traditional soccer mom and not the actual player. Coaches would be best to save their money. Same with players.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
physics makes us happy
physics is one of the good chapter it is useful for each and every field. so it is my faverate chapter i cant ignore it.
physics makes us great one we did all work by the application of physics. it is useful also in medical is applicable in agriculture as well as medical.
from physics we being great one like albert einstein.
physics makes us great one we did all work by the application of physics. it is useful also in medical is applicable in agriculture as well as medical.
from physics we being great one like albert einstein.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
physics and society
physics study is the study of different types of units or measurement which makes the different types of measurement or unit unity.~ without physical instrument our daily function was held. all scientist are also be is due to the physics and its application
Physics Tutorials Lift Upcoming Generation Knowledge To Higher Level
What makes physics software effective these days is knowing the importance of understanding your learner – the learning context, learning goals, prior knowledge and preferred learning style. One of the most common problems with educational technology and instructional design is that these important considerations are often ignored. These basic principles can be applied to any setting in which meaningful transfer and retention of information must occur.physics tutorial, as part of physics software, are self-paced learning exercises that help students to learn physics at their own speed and at their own convenience. These tutorials are often used by students to practice what has been taught in class or by teachers who want to give additional help to their students. Most physics tutorial clearly and visually present topics many students find challenging. One advantage is these tutorials are self-paced, are done in familiar surroundings and done on a personal computer, rather than in the more formal setting of the classroom. Students today learn well from computers and the many animations, explanations and interactions engage them as the ideas are understood
physic is our heart
we all human beings are alive due to physics. physics is the one of the cource from which we all got life.
without physics we cant be able to walk a second.
in human beings the function of heart is how much important as alike also the function of physics is important for all living things. so physics is heart of living things.
without physics we cant be able to walk a second.
in human beings the function of heart is how much important as alike also the function of physics is important for all living things. so physics is heart of living things.
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